
All Seeing Eye Spiritual Visualization - DVD

Visualizations with decrees to the beloved Elohim Cyclopea. Intermediate pace.
Availability: 31 in stock
SKU: DV11014
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Visualizations with decrees to Beloved Cyclopea, 50.05 (72x).


1. All-Seeing Eye
2. Middle East Region
3. India-Pakistan Region
4. China Region
5. All-Seeing Eye
6. Earth with Pyramid
7. United States with Pyramid
8. White House with Eye
9. New York City Financial Center
10. All-Seeing Eye

1 DVD: 51 minutes

Decree Pace: Intermediate+. For experienced practicioners of the science of the spoken Word. (You can also turn off the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.)

Recommended for Keepers of the Flame.


Visualizations with decrees to Beloved Cyclopea, 50.05 (72x).


1. All-Seeing Eye
2. Middle East Region
3. India-Pakistan Region
4. China Region
5. All-Seeing Eye
6. Earth with Pyramid
7. United States with Pyramid
8. White House with Eye
9. New York City Financial Center
10. All-Seeing Eye

1 DVD: 51 minutes

Decree Pace: Intermediate+. For experienced practicioners of the science of the spoken Word. (You can also turn off the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.)

Recommended for Keepers of the Flame.


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