Spiritual necklaces, handcrafted and offering the best of Nature's designs
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Archangel Michael Dog Tags
amethyst, emerald and gold plated findings.
Seven Rays Crystal Pendant set w/ Emerald, Ruby, Blue Topaz and more ...
Crystals of the Seven Archangels Necklace/Bracelet with Lapis, Citrine, Garnet, Quartz, Emerald, Ruby and Amethyst.
Golden Ratio Pendant Necklace, gold plated
Antique Silver Om Aromatherapy Locket Necklace
Aromatherapy Pendant w/ Torus Vortex on reverse side
Aromatherapy Om Pendant 18K gold plated
Threefold Flame Necklace w/pearls, aquamarine, citrine ...
Amethyst Crystal Pendant, 1"
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