

The Summit Lighthouse - where Eastern Mysticism meets Mystical Christianity

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El Sendero Mistico a la Divinidad

Este libro te enseña el sendero interior tanto si eres seguidor de Buda, de Jesús, de Krishna, de la Virgen María y de Saint Germain.

A New Heaven and a New Earth

What is it to build the new heaven, the new earth? Morya says it “is entirely an inner building of the temple of God.” Learn to plan for infinity while working in the finite world. Here the ascended masters give you the keys for shaping your future against all obstacles.

The Mystic's Path Home

Whether for your own pursuit or to enjoy in a book study group, The Mystic's Path Home is a captivating book presenting a broad, yet in-depth, study of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

A Message of Perfect Love DVD-MP3

...from the Heart of Gautama Buddha. 1981 Wesak celebration with a reading from Dialogues of the Buddha and dictations by Gautama Buddha and Sanat Kumara.

El Fuego Que Desciende del Cielo

En doce discursos llenos de Espíritu, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explica cómo usted puede preparase para recibir El fuego que desciende del cielo - el fuego del Espíritu Santo.

Joy in the Heart - DVD/ MP3 (Freedom 1992)

All 25 dictations from the 1992 Freedom conference Joy in the Heart - Experience God through the Mystical Paths of the World's Religions.

Joy in the Heart (book)

Joy in the Heart contains all 25 dictations from the 1992 Freedom Conference plus three Mystical Paths of World's Religions lectures previously published as Pearls of Wisdom.

Teachings of the Cosmic Christ-Vol. 1

To restore the thread of contact with the Guru, Maitreya would show you the way. Re-establish the thread of contact with your own Real Self. Enter the path of the Cosmic Christ. Regain the Edenic consciousness. Find your way back Home.

The Maitreya Discourses MP3 - Teachings from the Mystery School

In listening to these 24 audio dictations of The Maitreya Discourses, you can find keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ in your life. Maitreya beckons: Come and Find Me.

The Maitreya Discourses - Teachings from the Mystery School

24 dictations on the Mystery School by Maitreya, Kuthumi, Gautama Buddha, Mother Mary, and Lanello help you find your keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ. Maitreya beckons: “Come and Find Me.”

The Guru-Chela Relationship, Darshan 16 - DVD

Darshan 16 with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, February 20, 1997.

The Higher Initiations, Darshan 14 - DVD

Darshan #14 with Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching from The Masters and the Path.