
The Mystic's Path Home

Whether for your own pursuit or to enjoy in a book study group, The Mystic's Path Home is a captivating book presenting a broad, yet in-depth, study of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.
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SKU: 7643
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Are you seeking Oneness with Divinity?

You are a Mystic. You walk the steeper path, but the high cliffs hold no fear for you  - you who are drawn upward by the heart of the Divine Mother.

Whether you follow Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Kuan Yin or others, this book shows you the inner path offered by the Great White Brotherhood. Take their hand as they lead you home.

This is the perfect book to make a broad, yet in-depth, study of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. Whether for your own pursuit or to enjoy in a book study group, the scope of this book will present many interesting avenues of the Teachings to study and use.

Are you seeking Oneness with Divinity?

You are a Mystic. You walk the steeper path, but the high cliffs hold no fear for you  - you who are drawn upward by the heart of the Divine Mother.

Whether you follow Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Kuan Yin or others, this book shows you the inner path offered by the Great White Brotherhood. Take their hand as they lead you home.

This is the perfect book to make a broad, yet in-depth, study of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. Whether for your own pursuit or to enjoy in a book study group, the scope of this book will present many interesting avenues of the Teachings to study and use.

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