

The Summit Lighthouse books accelerate your spiritual journey with a wide array of works on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

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I AM Discourses

I AM Discourses

The Magic Presence

The Magic Presence

Unveiled Mysteries

Unveiled Mysteries

Reincarnation - Stories of Mercy and Resolution

Elizabeth Clare Prophet penetrates the veils of akasha to reveal the past lives of individuals who helped shape the modern world.

Return to the Mystery School

Maitreya prepares you to hold more spiritual light by reminding you of your direct relationship with God. Take that memory to heart and meet Maitreya.

1959 Pearls of Wisdom Hardbound Book

1959 Pearls of Wisdom hardbound book contains the foundational dictations of the first full year of The Summit Lighthouse.

Secrets of the Golden Age Prince: Francis Bacon

Secrets of the Golden Age Prince reveals the truth behind royal intrigue, Francis Bacon's hidden identities, and an amazing spiritual revelation. Enter a world of dangerous secrets, heroic brotherhood, and an enduring love for humanity.

Decree Book with Binder

Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decree book prepackaged with a Binder

Book Of Hymns And Songs with CUT Logo Binder

The Summit Lighthouse songbook prepackaged with CUT logo binder. This song book contains the words, but not sheet music.

Decree Book with Faux Leather Binder

Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees book prepackaged with the faux leather binder.

All for the Love of God

All for the Love of God, Life with Mark Prophet A Modern-Day Mystic

On Fire for God

On Fire for God, Adventures on the Mystical Path with Elizabeth Clare Prophet