24 dictations on the Mystery School by Maitreya, Kuthumi, Gautama Buddha, Mother Mary, and Lanello help you find your keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ. Maitreya beckons: “Come and Find Me.”
Timeless teachings from the Ascended Masters, Harvest 2020. Victory to those who Love! Arise and Love America Free for Saint Germain. 2 DVDs and 1 MP3 CD
Navigate to the next spiritual level with 11 ascended master dictations and the illuminating lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the initiations of the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. 1 MP3
Learn about the ascended masters who are the lords, or chohans, of the 7 rays. Get to know the spiritual teachers who can to tutor you on your path to spiritual mastery.
A childrens booklet introducing the seven chohans, stories of their past lives, and a description of the different paths on which a soul can be tutored.