24 dictations on the Mystery School by Maitreya, Kuthumi, Gautama Buddha, Mother Mary, and Lanello help you find your keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ. Maitreya beckons: “Come and Find Me.”
Come and Find Me
Welcome to the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya—the Buddha of mercy, love and compassion.
Two thousand years ago, Maitreya sent forth the call to his disciple, Jesus, to come and find him. And so Jesus set out for the Himalayas to find the Father, Maitreya, and to receive the teachings that would be the key to an age.
Now, once again, Maitreya sends forth the call. Are you one of these fiery spirits that Maitreya Buddha is calling?
Jesus tells us that the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya is “the open door of the coming of the golden age. This is the open door of the pathway of East and West, of the bodhisattvas and the disciples. . . . For once again it may be said that Maitreya is physically present, not as it was in the first Eden but by the extension of ourselves in form through the messenger and the Keepers of the Flame.”
Soon after the announcement of the opening of his Mystery School, Lord Maitreya began a series of profound discourses. He asked us to search these teachings and to discover in them the keys to this Age of Maitreya.
This book contains 24 dictations for you to find those keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ in your life. Along with the dictations by Lord Maitreya are dictations by Kuthumi, Gautama Buddha, Mother Mary, and Lanello giving further insights into Maitreya's teachings and the meaning of the Mystery School. Maitreya beckons: “Come and Find Me.”
Welcome to the adventure of the ages.