Darshans with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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Darshan with the Messenger - Complete set - Audio only
Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaches on Adepts, how they aid the evolution of humanity through the seven rays and influence receptive mankind in countless ways.
Darshan 16 with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, February 20, 1997.
Darshan #14 with Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching from The Masters and the Path.
Darshan #13 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on the path to adeptship from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #11 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on initiation from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #12 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on outpouring of Spirit into matter from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #10 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on the power of sound from The Masters and the Path by C.W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #9 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on the way to the Great White Brotherhood from The Masters and the Path by C.W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #8 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on overcoming negative habits from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #7 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on the path of the Buddha from The Masters and the Path by C.W. Leadbeater.
Darshan #6 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teachingon becoming an accepted chela from The Masters and the Path by C. W. Leadbeater.