Darshan #12 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on outpouring of Spirit into matter from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
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DV14011: Darshan #12 Teachings from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater
Darshan with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 22, 1997.
...Outpouring Spirit into Matter
All manifestation is cyclic. This means that all forms of life that emanate from God in the Beginning can return to him in the Ending, bearing the fruits of all the experience gained through the great cycle of activity.
...Outpouring Spirit into Matter
All that lives is really one, and it is the duty of those who enter the Brotherhood to know that as a fact.
...Outpouring Spirit into Matter
There is no loss of the sense of individuality, even though there is an utter loss of the sense of separateness. That seems a paradox, while yet it is obviously true.
...Outpouring Spirit into Matter
We are all facets of a greater consciousness, and what we thought to be our qualities, our intellect, our energies have all the time been His qualities, His intellect, His energy.
This DVD is chaptered by topics. 1 DVD: 2 hr. 25 min.