Rosaries for your prayer and meditation practices to the Divine Mother East and West
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Virgin Mary rosary bracelet
w/ Cultured pearls, aquamarine, adventurine, agate, green oynx and gold findings.
Lakshmi Japa Mala (Rosary) w/ Jade, Emerald and Citrine
w/ Jasper, Aquamarine, rhodochrosite, agate, emeralds and gold plated findings.
Ganesha Mala/Rosary w/ Lapis Lazuli and Jasper
Vaidurya Kuan Yin Lapis and Pearl Rosary/Mala
Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary with Amethyst and Rose Quartz
Designed for adults to do the Child's Rosary to Mother Mary
Buddha Mala with Lapis, Citrine, Jasper & Gold Plated 18K
Scriptural Rosary Bracelet w/ cultured pearls, aquamarine, and agate.
Archangel Michael Rosary for Armageddon with lapis lazuli, sapphire and pearl