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Teachings from the Mystery School (New Years 1985) DVD/MP3

Take Maitreya’s hand and walk the Path of the Six-Pointed Star plus more teachings on the Mystery School from Gautama Buddha and more.

Return to the Mystery School

Maitreya prepares you to hold more spiritual light by reminding you of your direct relationship with God. Take that memory to heart and meet Maitreya.

Secrets of the Golden Age Prince: Francis Bacon

Secrets of the Golden Age Prince reveals the truth behind royal intrigue, Francis Bacon's hidden identities, and an amazing spiritual revelation. Enter a world of dangerous secrets, heroic brotherhood, and an enduring love for humanity.

The Mystic's Path Home

Whether for your own pursuit or to enjoy in a book study group, The Mystic's Path Home is a captivating book presenting a broad, yet in-depth, study of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Portable Altar 2018 - 14.75 x 29

A five-panel altar: the Chart of Your Divine Self with portraits of Jesus Christ, Saint Germain, Kuthumi and El Morya. Printed on heavy card stock.

Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation - Download

Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation

Chart of Your Divine Self - print 5.5 x 9

The Chart of Your Real Self, representing the I AM Presence, Christ Self, and soul evolving in Matter.

Talk with Angels

With stories, examples and spiritual insights, Talk with Angels shows you how to forge life-changing, personal relationships with these transcendent beings.
$19.95 $4.99

Chart of Divine Self Buddha print 5.5x9

Chart of Divine Self Buddha

Odyssey of Your Soul

This voyage of self-discovery is Elizabeth Clare Prophet's insightful interpretation of the rites of passage and inner drama hidden in The Odyssey by Homer.
$14.95 $3.74

Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book

Expanded decree book with page numbers, color images of the masters, chakras, and thoughtforms and an introduction to the science of the spoken word. This is a loose leaf product that requires one of our 3 binders. Search for "Binder" on the home page and you will see 3 different styles. We sell these binders as it is hard to find this size out in the world.

Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine

Elizabeth Clare Prophet offers a unique perspective on the feminist movement based on the lost Gnostic teachings of Jesus - his lost teachings on woman.
$15.95 $3.99