The Call of Helios Freedom Conference from 1991 all on one flash drive. Enjoy the ascended masters' timeless teachings replayed at the 2024 Freedom conference.
Secrets of the Golden Age Prince reveals the truth behind royal intrigue, Francis Bacon's hidden identities, and an amazing spiritual revelation. Enter a world of dangerous secrets, heroic brotherhood, and an enduring love for humanity.
Essential Affirmations, Mantras and Decrees - Discover how you can use the power of sound to harness spiritual energy. Create positive change for yourself and the world around you. New images and additional decrees.
Saint Germain, through many lifetimes as alchemist, adept and visionary, found the priceless ancient formulas like the violet flame. He comes again, revealing his knowledge for your benefit.
El Morya in the attire of a late 19th century Rajput prince. You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the master El Morya.