
First Steps

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The Mystic's Path Home

Whether for your own pursuit or to enjoy in a book study group, The Mystic's Path Home is a captivating book presenting a broad, yet in-depth, study of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Essential Affirmations, Mantras & Decrees-June 2024 revision

Essential Affirmations, Mantras and Decrees - Discover how you can use the power of sound to harness spiritual energy. Create positive change for yourself and the world around you. New images and additional decrees.

Saint Germain - Mystery of the Violet Flame

Saint Germain, through many lifetimes as alchemist, adept and visionary, found the priceless ancient formulas like the violet flame. He comes again, revealing his knowledge for your benefit.

How to Work with Your Chakras

This pocket guide is packed with full color images of the chakras, the threefold flame and the I AM Presence. Enjoy simple explanations and mantras for clearing and sealing your chakras and aura. A great introductory book that works well with study groups or to pass on to a friend.

The Path of Personal Christhood - DVD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on a joyous path to overcoming limitation and affirming your divine nature following in Jesus’ footsteps. Pursue your Christhood!

Control of Human Aura through the Science of the Spoken Word - DVD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows you how to control the effects your aura has on people and on the aura of planet Earth. Includes 25 color illustrations.

I'm Stumping for the Coming Revolution Higher Consciousness - MP3

The basics for conveying the teachings: the Chart of the Presence, decrees, Saint Germain and more. The best of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's stump lectures.

How to Develop Your Heart Chakra - DVD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet's lecture - including songs, decrees and invocations - leads you on a journey that will open your heart.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on YouTube Vol 1 - DVD

First 14 video excerpts of Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters posted on YouTube, plus Hail Gautama Buddha musical mediation.

Spiritual Techniques to Heal Body, Mind and Soul - CD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet explores the creative power of sound for accessing greater levels of your divine potential. Also includes examples of decrees.

Soul Mates and Twin Flames - CD

An audio abridgement of the pocket guide Soul Mates and Twin Flames on 2 CDs. A new look at love, karma and relationships.

Creative Abundance - Audio Book

An abridged audio book of the Creative Abundance pocket guide. Step-by-step techniques including treasure mapping, visualizations and affirmations.
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