The Call of Helios Freedom Conference from 1991 all on one flash drive. Enjoy the ascended masters' timeless teachings replayed at the 2024 Freedom conference.
These audio lectures are profound mystery school teachings given to the 1979 Maitreya Quarter of Summit University. Accelerate your spiritual path with Lord Maitreya.
Easter Retreat 1993 replayed Easter 2023. Eleven dictations from the seven Elohim, Kuan Yin, Nada, and the Easter dictations from Jesus and Magda. Plus Elizabeth Clare Prophet lectures on the Gospel of Thomas.
Songs of Courage and Inspiration. This magnificent collection of ten original songs has been composed to transport your soul into a higher state of consciousness. Featuring lyrics inspired by legendary poets and sages.
The 8 dictations and 3 lectures from the New Year's 1991-92 conference. Includes the memorable "I AM Immortal" dictation by Saint Germain. 3 DVDs and 1 MP3
In listening to these 24 audio dictations of The Maitreya Discourses, you can find keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ in your life. Maitreya beckons: Come and Find Me.
Easter Retreat 1988 - Timeless teachings from the Ascended Masters with items replayed at the 2019 Easter Retreat including lectures from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
Sometimes we look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition: we know this person! You may feel an instant soul connection when you gaze into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?