

Audio recordings of the teachings of the ascended masters.

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The Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist - DVD/MP3 (Easter 1992)

Bathe in the transcendent light of the Easter 1992 class, Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist. Experience profound dictations by Archangel Uriel, Djwal Kul, Kuan Yin, Jesus Christ and El Morya.

Dawning of Your God Reality - DVD/MP3

The dictations originally delivered New Year's Conference 1992-1993.

Accepting the Power of Victory - CD

The Victory Way of Life dictation and Angelic Chant from the dictation 3X.

The Mandate of Victory - MP3

All forty dictations from The Mandate of Victory - all the messages by Mighty Victory, unfolding for you the secrets of the Victory Consciousness.

Feel the Victory! Be the Victory! - DVD/MP3 (Freedom 2017)

The dictations and lectures from the Freedom 2017 conference. 2 DVDs and 1 MP3

I AM the Resurrection - DVD/MP3 (Easter 2017)

Eight Easter 1982 conference dictations plus the 1982 Palm Sunday dictation by Lord Maitreya and lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Buddhas in Winter - DVD/MP3 (New Year's 2016-17)

The dictations and lectures from the 2016-17 New Year's Retreat.

Out of the Heart Are the Issues of Life - DVD/CD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the hidden mysteries of the spiritual heart, how to purify and expand the heart chakra and victoriously pass life's tests.

The 12 Labors of Hercules - DVD/MP3 (Harvest 1989)

The 12 day Harvest 1989 "The 12 Labors of Hercules" dictations, plus the Sunday dictations prior to the conference and Elizabeth Clare Prophet's lecture.

The Life and Works of Jesus - MP3

Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the keys to the initiations on your own path of Christhood in the book of John. Includes detailed liner notes. 35 hrs.

The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3

In seven enlightening lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the psychology of socialism and the economic philosophy of Jesus Christ. 2 DVDs, 1 MP3.

Defending World Freedom - DVD/MP3 (Freedom 2016)

Threefold flame clearance and all dictations from the 2016 Freedom conference. 1 DVD 1 MP3