
The Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist - DVD/MP3 (Easter 1992)

Bathe in the transcendent light of the Easter 1992 class, Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist. Experience profound dictations by Archangel Uriel, Djwal Kul, Kuan Yin, Jesus Christ and El Morya.
Availability: 42 in stock
SKU: DVG18001
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Bathe in the Transcendent Light of the Crystal Fire Mist as you experience profound dictations by Archangel Uriel, Djwal Kul, Kuan Yin, Jesus Christ and El Morya.

The Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist - Easter 1992

3 DVDs & 1 MP3 audio CD. Total time: 13 hr. 4 min.

DVD 1, Dictations: (Length: 2 hr. 2 min.)
Archangel Uriel, April 16, 1992
Jesus the Christ, April 19, 1992
True Mystery of Good Friday, April 1, 1983

DVD 2, Dictations: (Length: 1 hr. 50 min.)
Djwal Kul, April 17, 1992
   with Breathing Exercise

DVD 3, Dictations (Length: 1 hr. 34 min.)
El Morya, April 19, 1992
Kuan Yin, April 18, 1992

1 MP3 Audio CD (Length: 5 hr. 34 min.)
Dictations and lectures.

Bathe in the Transcendent Light of the Crystal Fire Mist as you experience profound dictations by Archangel Uriel, Djwal Kul, Kuan Yin, Jesus Christ and El Morya.

The Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist - Easter 1992

3 DVDs & 1 MP3 audio CD. Total time: 13 hr. 4 min.

DVD 1, Dictations: (Length: 2 hr. 2 min.)
Archangel Uriel, April 16, 1992
Jesus the Christ, April 19, 1992
True Mystery of Good Friday, April 1, 1983

DVD 2, Dictations: (Length: 1 hr. 50 min.)
Djwal Kul, April 17, 1992
   with Breathing Exercise

DVD 3, Dictations (Length: 1 hr. 34 min.)
El Morya, April 19, 1992
Kuan Yin, April 18, 1992

1 MP3 Audio CD (Length: 5 hr. 34 min.)
Dictations and lectures.

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