
Easter Retreat with Seven Mighty Elohim (Easter 1993) DVD/MP3

Easter Retreat 1993 replayed Easter 2023. Eleven dictations from the seven Elohim, Kuan Yin, Nada, and the Easter dictations from Jesus and Magda. Plus Elizabeth Clare Prophet lectures on the Gospel of Thomas.
Availability: 49 in stock
SKU: DVG23002
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Easter Retreat 1993 replayed Easter 2023, 4 DVDs and 1 MP3.

DVD 1 (2 hr. 25 min.)
Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia - April 8, 1993 - 43 min.
Elohim Peace and Aloha - April 8, 1993 - 48 min. min.
Elohim Purity and Astrea - April 8, 1993 - 54 min.

DVD 2 (2 hr. 16 min.)
Elohim Heros and Amora - April 9, 1993 - 33 min.
Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy - April 11, 1993 - 34 min.
Lady Master Nada - April 11, 1993 - 41 min.
Elohim Apollo and Lumina - April 11, 1993 - 28 min.

DVD 3 (2 hr. 22 min.)
Jesus Christ - April 11, 1993 - 52 min.
Magda - April 11, 1993 - 33 min.
Elohim Hercules and Amazonia - April 11, 1993 - 39 min.
Elohim Arcturus and Victoria - April 11, 1993 - 18 min.

DVD 4 (1 hr. 51 min.)
Elizabeth Clare Prophet Gospel of Thomas, Parts 10 - April 10, 1993 - 56 min.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet Gospel of Thomas, Parts 11 - April 10, 1993 - 55 min.

MP3 (12 hr. 6 min.)
MP3 audio CD contains all dictations and services, plus Mark Prophet's lecture The Lightning and the Stone - April 1, 1972 - 32 min.

Easter Retreat 1993 replayed Easter 2023, 4 DVDs and 1 MP3.

DVD 1 (2 hr. 25 min.)
Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia - April 8, 1993 - 43 min.
Elohim Peace and Aloha - April 8, 1993 - 48 min. min.
Elohim Purity and Astrea - April 8, 1993 - 54 min.

DVD 2 (2 hr. 16 min.)
Elohim Heros and Amora - April 9, 1993 - 33 min.
Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy - April 11, 1993 - 34 min.
Lady Master Nada - April 11, 1993 - 41 min.
Elohim Apollo and Lumina - April 11, 1993 - 28 min.

DVD 3 (2 hr. 22 min.)
Jesus Christ - April 11, 1993 - 52 min.
Magda - April 11, 1993 - 33 min.
Elohim Hercules and Amazonia - April 11, 1993 - 39 min.
Elohim Arcturus and Victoria - April 11, 1993 - 18 min.

DVD 4 (1 hr. 51 min.)
Elizabeth Clare Prophet Gospel of Thomas, Parts 10 - April 10, 1993 - 56 min.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet Gospel of Thomas, Parts 11 - April 10, 1993 - 55 min.

MP3 (12 hr. 6 min.)
MP3 audio CD contains all dictations and services, plus Mark Prophet's lecture The Lightning and the Stone - April 1, 1972 - 32 min.

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