Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaches on Adepts, how they aid the evolution of humanity through the seven rays and influence receptive mankind in countless ways.
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Darshan #15 Teachings from The Masters and the Path by C.W. Leadbeater.
Darshan with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet February 12, 1997
… The Work of the Adepts and Teachings on the Seven Rays
A few of the human beings who attain Adeptship remain on our earth as members of Hierarchy, to promote the evolution of life upon it in accordance with God’s plan.
… The Work of the Adepts and Teachings on the Seven Rays
They aid the progress of humanity in countless ways. From the highest sphere they shed down light and life on all the world, that they may be taken up and assimilated, as freely as the sunshine, by all who are receptive enough to take it in.
… The Work of the Adepts and Teachings on the Seven Rays
They send out thought forms of high intellectual power to be caught up by men of genius, assimilated by them and given out to the world. On this level they also send out their wishes to their disciples, notifying them of the tasks to which they should set their hands.
… The Work of the Adepts and Teachings on the Seven Rays
They generate thought forms which influence the concrete mind and guide it along useful lines of activity in this world, and they teach those who are in the heavenly world.
… The Work of the Adepts and Teachings on the Seven Rays
There is a certain sevenfold division of everything that exists in the manifest world, whether of life or matter. All life which exists in our chain of worlds passes through and belongs to one or another of the seven rays, each having seven subdivisions.
1 DVD 1 hr. 46 min.