
The Path That Leads to Adeptship, Darshan 13 - DVD

Darshan #13 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on the path to adeptship from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
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SKU: DV15013
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Darshan #13> Teachings from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater

Darshan with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 29, 1997.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
The candidate who has passed the first initiation has definitely entered upon the path that leads to Adeptship, to the portal that leads out of the human kingdom into that of the Superman. The pure heart he has developed gives him strength as the strength of ten, which enables him to pass this next initiation.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
The aspirant who reaches the entrance to the second initiation, which is compared to the baptism of the Holy Ghost and of fire, must cast off the fetters of the delusion of self, of doubt and uncertainty and of superstition.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
When the initiate has passed through the four sub-stages of the second initiation, he is ready for the third initiation, which is typified in Christian symbolism by the transfiguration of the Christ.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
The danger point on this path comes in nearly all cases through pride. If there is the least tinge of pride in the aspirant’s nature, he is in serious risk of a fall. If he is to succeed, it must be his constant endeavor to kill out every trace of pride, selfishness and prejudice.

This DVD is chaptered every 10 minutes. 1 DVD: 1 hr. 40 min.

Darshan #13> Teachings from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater

Darshan with the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 29, 1997.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
The candidate who has passed the first initiation has definitely entered upon the path that leads to Adeptship, to the portal that leads out of the human kingdom into that of the Superman. The pure heart he has developed gives him strength as the strength of ten, which enables him to pass this next initiation.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
The aspirant who reaches the entrance to the second initiation, which is compared to the baptism of the Holy Ghost and of fire, must cast off the fetters of the delusion of self, of doubt and uncertainty and of superstition.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
When the initiate has passed through the four sub-stages of the second initiation, he is ready for the third initiation, which is typified in Christian symbolism by the transfiguration of the Christ.

...The Path That Leads to Adeptship
The danger point on this path comes in nearly all cases through pride. If there is the least tinge of pride in the aspirant’s nature, he is in serious risk of a fall. If he is to succeed, it must be his constant endeavor to kill out every trace of pride, selfishness and prejudice.

This DVD is chaptered every 10 minutes. 1 DVD: 1 hr. 40 min.

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