
On Fire for God

On Fire for God, Adventures on the Mystical Path with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
SKU: V1031
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Elizabeth Clare Prophet through the eyes of Her Students.  Elizabeth is a mystic and a prophet in the tradition of the prophets of old.  Here is her story told from an insider's view.  Get to know the woman called Mother by edvotees throughout the world.  She has given a higher way of life to many thousands.  She is a woman on fire for God who kept on giving for over 38 years and never counted the cost. 

We have seen the eyes of weary souls take on renewed hope as the spark of love leaped from Mother's heart to theirs.  We have seen her hearl with a single touch.  We have witnessed her presence change the forcefield of a room.  Again and again we saw her turn around what looked like certain defeat into a resounding victory by her boundless faith in the power of Almighty God.

(From the back cover)

Elizabeth Clare Prophet through the eyes of Her Students.  Elizabeth is a mystic and a prophet in the tradition of the prophets of old.  Here is her story told from an insider's view.  Get to know the woman called Mother by edvotees throughout the world.  She has given a higher way of life to many thousands.  She is a woman on fire for God who kept on giving for over 38 years and never counted the cost. 

We have seen the eyes of weary souls take on renewed hope as the spark of love leaped from Mother's heart to theirs.  We have seen her hearl with a single touch.  We have witnessed her presence change the forcefield of a room.  Again and again we saw her turn around what looked like certain defeat into a resounding victory by her boundless faith in the power of Almighty God.

(From the back cover)

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