
Book Of Hymns And Songs with CUT Logo Binder

The Summit Lighthouse songbook prepackaged with CUT logo binder. This song book contains the words, but not sheet music.
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SKU: PKG-106
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The Summit Lighthouse songbook prepackaged with CUT logo binder. Buy both together and save on shipping!

The song book contains the words to our hymns, songs and mantras. (does not include sheet music).

For services, meditation, singing with the audio or a capella to God, the ascended masters and angels--or to your Holy Christ Self!

Over 120 songs here were penned by the ascended masters through the Messenger of Music, Dorothy Lee Fulton. knighted by Saint Germain through Mark Prophet as Lady Edelweiss, Dorothy Lee brought the music of the spheres for the age of Aquarius.

Song book is loose leaf, 3-hole punched, 800+ pages. Binder with CUT logo included.

The Summit Lighthouse songbook prepackaged with CUT logo binder. Buy both together and save on shipping!

The song book contains the words to our hymns, songs and mantras. (does not include sheet music).

For services, meditation, singing with the audio or a capella to God, the ascended masters and angels--or to your Holy Christ Self!

Over 120 songs here were penned by the ascended masters through the Messenger of Music, Dorothy Lee Fulton. knighted by Saint Germain through Mark Prophet as Lady Edelweiss, Dorothy Lee brought the music of the spheres for the age of Aquarius.

Song book is loose leaf, 3-hole punched, 800+ pages. Binder with CUT logo included.

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