
Discourses on Cosmic Law #2 - MP3 - Mark Prophet

15 lectures by Mark Prophet on the threefold flame, karma and health, visualizations and the violet flame, and the much loved Joy Is the Motor of Life.
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SKU: M12002
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15 lectures by Mark L. Prophet. MP3 format

Mark reveals that each of us has a spiritual, divine spark from God in our hearts - a threefold flame. He describes the colors and attributes of the threefold flame and says that within that flame lies the potential for each of us to become a Christ. He also explains that the goal of life for each of us is to "ascend" back to God as Jesus did.

Mark illustrates, with fascinating stories from his life, how karma influences health. Looking beyond the physical body for the causes of disease, he shows how wrong thoughts and feelings can be the biggest hindrance to wholeness. The secret to healing, he says, is becoming integrated with your God Self.

Mark teaches how we can use the "resurrection flame" - the regenerative energy of God - to transform our lives. He shows us how to renew ourselves and how we can have our own personal resurrection. Mark also presents a new way of looking at the cross, not as a symbol of sorrow but as a symbol of freedom and opportunity.

What's really the best antidepressant? The answer, Mark says, is joy - "the motor of life." In "The Miracle of Joy" he shows us how to extract joy from the beautiful things in life and amplify our joyous thoughts. He explains why the "violet flame" is one of God's greatest gifts to us and how we can use visualizations and mantras to the violet flame to transmute our karma. He also describes the "tube of light" and, with amazing stories, shows what it can do for us.

In the Americana portion, Mark reminds us of America's spiritual heritage, the real meaning of the American dream and what it will take to make it a reality.

Also in Album 2:

  • “The Violet Flame for the Achievement of God Realization”
  • “The Meaning of Freedom”
  • “Explanation of the Chart of the I AM Presence”
  • “The Gift of the Freedom of God-Expression”
  • “The Destiny of America”
  • “America, Christ Loves You! World, Christ Loves You!”
  • “The American Dream”
  • “Educating Your Vision”
  • “How to Find Total Healing”
  • “Understanding Karma”
  • “Secrets of Prosperity”
  • “Meditation on Christ Wholeness”
  • “Finding Freedom through the Cross”
  • “The Flame of the Resurrection”
  • “Nothing Can Be Lost but Opportunity: ‘How Long, O Lord?’”

1 MP3 Audio CD. 11 hours 46 minutes. 

15 lectures by Mark L. Prophet. MP3 format

Mark reveals that each of us has a spiritual, divine spark from God in our hearts - a threefold flame. He describes the colors and attributes of the threefold flame and says that within that flame lies the potential for each of us to become a Christ. He also explains that the goal of life for each of us is to "ascend" back to God as Jesus did.

Mark illustrates, with fascinating stories from his life, how karma influences health. Looking beyond the physical body for the causes of disease, he shows how wrong thoughts and feelings can be the biggest hindrance to wholeness. The secret to healing, he says, is becoming integrated with your God Self.

Mark teaches how we can use the "resurrection flame" - the regenerative energy of God - to transform our lives. He shows us how to renew ourselves and how we can have our own personal resurrection. Mark also presents a new way of looking at the cross, not as a symbol of sorrow but as a symbol of freedom and opportunity.

What's really the best antidepressant? The answer, Mark says, is joy - "the motor of life." In "The Miracle of Joy" he shows us how to extract joy from the beautiful things in life and amplify our joyous thoughts. He explains why the "violet flame" is one of God's greatest gifts to us and how we can use visualizations and mantras to the violet flame to transmute our karma. He also describes the "tube of light" and, with amazing stories, shows what it can do for us.

In the Americana portion, Mark reminds us of America's spiritual heritage, the real meaning of the American dream and what it will take to make it a reality.

Also in Album 2:

  • “The Violet Flame for the Achievement of God Realization”
  • “The Meaning of Freedom”
  • “Explanation of the Chart of the I AM Presence”
  • “The Gift of the Freedom of God-Expression”
  • “The Destiny of America”
  • “America, Christ Loves You! World, Christ Loves You!”
  • “The American Dream”
  • “Educating Your Vision”
  • “How to Find Total Healing”
  • “Understanding Karma”
  • “Secrets of Prosperity”
  • “Meditation on Christ Wholeness”
  • “Finding Freedom through the Cross”
  • “The Flame of the Resurrection”
  • “Nothing Can Be Lost but Opportunity: ‘How Long, O Lord?’”

1 MP3 Audio CD. 11 hours 46 minutes. 

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