Elizabeth Clare Prophet leads decree 10.14 to Beloved Astrea "The Starry Mother." 40 times, Advanced pace.
Availability: 20 in stock
Includes the Ruby Ray Preamble, 10.14 Preamble and Insert 1
Elizabeth Clare Prophet leading 40 repetitions of decree 10.14 to Beloved Astrea "The Starry Mother" (advanced pace).
And remember, when your Astreas are perpetually going even on CD or audiocassette, without stopping, and when in rooms when you are able to raise the volume, I tell you, this is a most miraculous way of multiplying the energy, the light, the consciousness that you have to fill a universe, a material universe such as the one you live in, with the power of the Science of the Spoken Word.—Beloved Casimir Poseidon, April 20, 2003, Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 46 No. 16
1 CD, 41 minutes, Pace: Advanced