
Our Fascination with Robots - DVDs

Our Fascination with Robots and Hollywood's Vision of the Future lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on DVD.
SKU: DVG17005
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Our Fascination with Robots and Hollywood's Vision of the Future

4 DVDs Total Length: 7 hr. 6 min.

DVD 1 - 3 LECTURE: Our Fascination With Robots Parts 1 - 3, Elizabeth Clare Prophet

DVD 4 Updates on Recent Robot Movies


"The goal of creating a robot can only ensue in man replacing himself, man creating that which will go beyond his own evolutionary strain and chain. In other words, what is being created in this day has the promise of eliminating the necessity for the entire race of the sons and daughters of God." - Elizabeth Clare Prophet


Our Fascination with Robots and Hollywood's Vision of the Future

4 DVDs Total Length: 7 hr. 6 min.

DVD 1 - 3 LECTURE: Our Fascination With Robots Parts 1 - 3, Elizabeth Clare Prophet

DVD 4 Updates on Recent Robot Movies


"The goal of creating a robot can only ensue in man replacing himself, man creating that which will go beyond his own evolutionary strain and chain. In other words, what is being created in this day has the promise of eliminating the necessity for the entire race of the sons and daughters of God." - Elizabeth Clare Prophet


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