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11", bonded marble finish with gold trim
SKU: V2821
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One of our favorite statues of Pallas Athena. It's a copy of the Pallas Athene Statue in front of the Hungarian parliament building. Pallas Athene holds in her right hand a small figure of Nike the goddess of victory and in her left hand a spear.

Pallas Athena is an Ascended Lady Master who lived long ago—during the first golden ages, in the early days of Lemuria. She balanced her karma, fulfilled her Divine Plan and then broke the wheel of rebirth by making her ascension. She did it by focusing on and becoming one aspect of God's consciousness: Truth. The Greeks knew and revered her. She didn't disappear after the decline of Greek and Roman civilizations. People just forgot about her for awhile and then resigned her to the realms of myth. She's back, or rather, she never left.

One of our favorite statues of Pallas Athena. It's a copy of the Pallas Athene Statue in front of the Hungarian parliament building. Pallas Athene holds in her right hand a small figure of Nike the goddess of victory and in her left hand a spear.

Pallas Athena is an Ascended Lady Master who lived long ago—during the first golden ages, in the early days of Lemuria. She balanced her karma, fulfilled her Divine Plan and then broke the wheel of rebirth by making her ascension. She did it by focusing on and becoming one aspect of God's consciousness: Truth. The Greeks knew and revered her. She didn't disappear after the decline of Greek and Roman civilizations. People just forgot about her for awhile and then resigned her to the realms of myth. She's back, or rather, she never left.

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