#7 of Climb the Highest Mountain series with a liberating message from the ascended masters - immortality as a divine right and the destiny of your soul.
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Volume 7 of Climb the Highest Mountain series
What is immortality? Here's a powerfully liberating perspective from the ascended masters:
Immortality is our divine right and the destiny of our souls.
Chapters Include:
The Laws of Cycles: Penetrating the Secrets of Creation, White-fire Ball Mediation,
Shortening of the Days for the Elect, Worlds Ascended…
Planes of Consciousness: Secrets of the Causal Body, The Soul Takes Form,
Meshing of the Four Lower Bodies…
Immortality: Mysteries of the Book of Life, Healing the Soul is a Top Priority,
Tests of the Sacred Fire at Luxor, An Invitation for Candidates of the Ascension…
Entities: The Psychic World, The Plight of Astral Entities and How to Be Free from Their Influences,
Practical Steps, The Use of Color, Exorcism, Assistance from the Realms of Heaven…
The Messengers: The Functions of Gods Messengers, How Dictations Are Received,
Powers of the Messenger, On Atlantis, In Ancient Egypt, Messengers at the End of the Age…
Softcover. 528 pages.