The landmark A Retreat on the Ascension seminar is now available for your in-depth study of light with the ascended masters’ wise counsel and the lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
Teachings of Serapis Bey
The Ascension is the goal of life!
“Light is the essence of your life and your path and your ascension. Apply thyself to the study of light.”
The ascension is, in fact, the culmination of many lifetimes of one's soul evolution and balancing karma. But it is not the end. Having learned all the lessons of earth's schoolroom, the soul is reborn in the realms of Spirit.
What is the ascension? Is it something that just happens because you lead a good life? Is it a miraculous transition, like Elijah's chariot of fire? Or is it a goal that must be sought and won?
The Reality of Your Ascension is all the lectures and dictations from the landmark A Retreat on the Ascension seminar held in San Fracisco in 1979. Elizabeth Clare Prophet explores the questions of the ages and many other mysteries of the path of the ascension. Most importantly, she introduces us to Serapis Bey and other masters of the ascension flame—those who have walked that path before us. They present a practical and transcendent wisdom for all who seek the ultimate goal.
The door of the Ascension Temple is opened in this age. The Brotherhood of Luxor bids you enter. Dare to cross the threshold into an experience of reality beyond imagination.