Saint Germain painted by Ruth Hawkins. Ruth Hawkins, the twin flame of the ascended master Paul the Venetian, ascended October 1995 after serving years on staff at The Summit Lighthouse.
Saint Germain painted by Ruth Hawkins. Ruth Hawkins, the twin flame of the ascended master Paul the Venetian, ascended October 1995 after serving years on staff at The Summit Lighthouse.
While Ruth was in embodiment, she anchored Paul the Venetian’s flame in the earth. The master said that she single-handedly carried his torch of the love ray. Since Ruth is now ascended, Paul the Venetian has requested that each one of us carry one flame of the torch of the love ray that she held. We can call to Paul the Venetian and Ruth Hawkins to intensify love in the hearts of people of the world—especially in the youth.