
Gold Flakes Bottle

Gold Flakes Bottle for your visualizations
SKU: S3904
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A very nice focus of gold for your altar and at a great price because the flakes are extremely thin.

Precipitated sunlight is the lodestone of Alpha and Omega.

Gold is a talisman of the Great Central Sun. And therefore, when you give and receive in gold, you cannot misqualify that gold with greed, because gold resists the vibration of greed, whereas you take the paper money and the copper and the nickel coins, and you find that even silver itself is able to retain a vibration of greed. But not gold, beloved ones. It repels it instantaneously and, therefore, retains that purity of the Goddess of Purity, focused by her, that comes from Alpha and Omega. And therefore, there is an upward spiral in the consciousness, and gold becomes an instrument of the soul liberation of a planet and a people.

A very nice focus of gold for your altar and at a great price because the flakes are extremely thin.

Precipitated sunlight is the lodestone of Alpha and Omega.

Gold is a talisman of the Great Central Sun. And therefore, when you give and receive in gold, you cannot misqualify that gold with greed, because gold resists the vibration of greed, whereas you take the paper money and the copper and the nickel coins, and you find that even silver itself is able to retain a vibration of greed. But not gold, beloved ones. It repels it instantaneously and, therefore, retains that purity of the Goddess of Purity, focused by her, that comes from Alpha and Omega. And therefore, there is an upward spiral in the consciousness, and gold becomes an instrument of the soul liberation of a planet and a people.

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