
Teachings Ascended Masters Intro Brochure 2023 - 25 pk

A concise way to introduce people to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and the Summit Lighthouse.
Availability: 123 in stock
SKU: 5111A
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The brochure, Teachings of the Ascended Masters, introduces The Summit Lighthouse and the mystical paths of the world's religions contained in the Ascended Masters' teachings.

Learn more about the I AM Presence, the ascended masters, karma and reincarnation, who were Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet as well as all the various aspects of the organization: SU Press, Summit University, The Open Door radio show, Pearls of Wisdom, Keepers of the Flame Fraternity and the Church Universal and Triumphant.

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We live in a world where everything is instant - coffee, oatmeal, love. This teaching isn't instant. It’s tough. You will find the people who come to this path to be independent thinkers and doers. They're tough. They've been through everything else. They have seen for themselves the falsity of superficial dogma and religion. They know the true inner mystical path based on the principle of reverence for life. And they want to be part of a worldwide community of kindred souls who live it and share it in love.
- Elizabeth Clare Prophet

The brochure, Teachings of the Ascended Masters, introduces The Summit Lighthouse and the mystical paths of the world's religions contained in the Ascended Masters' teachings.

Learn more about the I AM Presence, the ascended masters, karma and reincarnation, who were Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet as well as all the various aspects of the organization: SU Press, Summit University, The Open Door radio show, Pearls of Wisdom, Keepers of the Flame Fraternity and the Church Universal and Triumphant.

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We live in a world where everything is instant - coffee, oatmeal, love. This teaching isn't instant. It’s tough. You will find the people who come to this path to be independent thinkers and doers. They're tough. They've been through everything else. They have seen for themselves the falsity of superficial dogma and religion. They know the true inner mystical path based on the principle of reverence for life. And they want to be part of a worldwide community of kindred souls who live it and share it in love.
- Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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