
The Prophet Archives: Archangel Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame - MP3 Download

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Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives the history and practical steps for using powerful protection decrees to Archangel Michael and his sword of blue flame.
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Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives the history and practical steps for using powerful protection decrees to Archangel Michael and his sword of blue flame.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives the history and practical steps for using powerful protection decrees to Archangel Michael and the use of stainless steel for dealing with the discarnate entities.

Have you ever been in a situation someone gets mad at you, but just not mad – unreasonably mad and attacking you in a rather intense way? Like the scene in the first Ghostbusters movie, there may be more than one being acting through that person.

As Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains, “When you are on the path and you carry a lot of light, you may find yourself suddenly in the presence of such an eventuality. And you may wonder what is going on here, and it could very well be the light of your Presence, your Christ Self or of the Ascended Masters that is agitating entities and discarnates that otherwise don’t even allow anyone to know that they are present, because they actually do live off the light of people. So Archangel Michael is our great protector and defender in this matter.”

Now spiritual warriors can increase the effectiveness of their prayer work with Archangel Michael to deal with those invisible energies that plague mankind. The science of using dynamic decrees, devotional songs and protection prayers to Archangel Michael along with stainless steel swords is a key element in today’s spiritual warfare against wickedness in high places!

Become an “angel” of Archangel Michael’s band with these foundational spiritual teachings.

(To download the booklet of prayers used in the lecture, go to:

Download Instructions: Once you purchase this item, your MP3 file will be availble to download for 30 days at My Account > Downloadable products in this online store.

The file size is 61.7 megabytes, so it does take a while to download. You can usually monitor your download in a desktop browser.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives the history and practical steps for using powerful protection decrees to Archangel Michael and his sword of blue flame.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives the history and practical steps for using powerful protection decrees to Archangel Michael and the use of stainless steel for dealing with the discarnate entities.

Have you ever been in a situation someone gets mad at you, but just not mad – unreasonably mad and attacking you in a rather intense way? Like the scene in the first Ghostbusters movie, there may be more than one being acting through that person.

As Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains, “When you are on the path and you carry a lot of light, you may find yourself suddenly in the presence of such an eventuality. And you may wonder what is going on here, and it could very well be the light of your Presence, your Christ Self or of the Ascended Masters that is agitating entities and discarnates that otherwise don’t even allow anyone to know that they are present, because they actually do live off the light of people. So Archangel Michael is our great protector and defender in this matter.”

Now spiritual warriors can increase the effectiveness of their prayer work with Archangel Michael to deal with those invisible energies that plague mankind. The science of using dynamic decrees, devotional songs and protection prayers to Archangel Michael along with stainless steel swords is a key element in today’s spiritual warfare against wickedness in high places!

Become an “angel” of Archangel Michael’s band with these foundational spiritual teachings.

(To download the booklet of prayers used in the lecture, go to:

Download Instructions: Once you purchase this item, your MP3 file will be availble to download for 30 days at My Account > Downloadable products in this online store.

The file size is 61.7 megabytes, so it does take a while to download. You can usually monitor your download in a desktop browser.


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