Use these mantras to Kuan Yin for spiritual healing, transmuting troublesome habits, and resolving personal and planetary problems. 3 DVDs plus bonus CD.
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The bodhisattva Avalokitesvara has been venerated in China as Kuan Yin in thirty-three distinct forms. These DVDs contain the unique teachings and mantras of these manifestations, which Elizabeth Clare Prophet says represent the thirty-three steps of initiation that you will pass through before you have your complete victory over the not-self. She explains how to use these mantras for spiritual healing, transmuting troublesome habits, and resolving personal and planetary problems.
ALSO INCLUDES THE LECTURE: The Cross of Divine Love and the Not-Self.
FREE BONUS AUDIO CD: All thirty-three mantras for use in your spiritual practice.
Disc 1 (DVD): Thirty-Three Manifestations Part 1 120 min.
Disc 2 (DVD): Thirty-Three Manifestations Part 2 87 min.
Disc 3 (DVD): The Cross of Divine Love and the Not-Self 60 min.
Disc 4 (CD): Thirty-Three Mantras of the Thirty-Three Manifestations 75 min.