Understanding Yourself offers a unique perspectives into mastering the components of being: the ego, karma, and the Self beyond the self.
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Understanding Yourself reaches beyond the boundaries of the outer personality into the infinite world of the soul. This insightful work offers unique perspectives into how to master the components of being - the ego, karma, and the Self beyond the self. Most importantly, it helps us listen to the voice of the soul and bring its universal wisdom to play in our lives.
Softbound 212 pp.
"An expanded study of the soul. When you pick it up, let your higher guide highlight the words. Read it, eat it, and then stop. Let it settle and digest. Feel the expansion. You may find when returning, to your surprise, another level and a second course waiting for you. Like manna for the mind and soul, it has no ending." - Ralph Yaney, MD, psychiatrist-psychoanalyst,
Medical Director C.C.S. and author of 10,001