Waltzes to the Elohim, masters and archangels by the Messenger of Music, Dorothy Lee Fulton.
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By the Messenger of Music, Dorothy Lee Fulton
Dedicated to Beloved Cylcopea and Virginia, Elohim of Music
- Song 358A: All-Seeing Eye of God
- Song 467: To the God of Harmony
- Song 513: The Lighthouse of Love
- Song 197: El Morya, We Love You
- Song 300: Beloved Jophiel and Christine
- Song 279: Faith, Hope and Charity (3x)
- Song 305: Beloved Zadkiel and Amethyst
- Song 17: Prayer of Saint Francis
- Song 304: Beloved Uriel and Aurora
- Song 804: Violet Fire, I Love Thee!
- Song 816: Waltzing in the Sunset
Total Length: 56 min.