Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows how you can use the Cosmic Clock to chart the cycles of personal karma and gain valuable insights into personal psychology.
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Is it really possible to predict your future?
Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows how you can apply the law of cycles to your own life in a science that is known as the Cosmic Clock.
Discover how to use the Cosmic Clock to:
- Chart the cycles of personal karma
- Map the inner dimensions of your reason for being (dharma)
- Gain valuable insights into personal psychology
- Prepare for future opportunities and challenges in practical ways
Based in part on Elizabeth Clare Prophets insightful book Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock, this album can help you master your fate and your unique destiny.
God-Mastery via the Cosmic Clock
Cosmic Astrology
The Dust Shall Settle: A Karmic Exposé
The Psychology of Being
Ancient Wisdom
The Cosmic Clock: Psychology for Aquarian Man and Woman
Karma, Dharma, Self-Mastery, and Soul Freedom
Charting the Cycles of Your Family on the Cosmic Clock
If I Wash Thee Not, Thou Hast No Part with Me
The Prince of Th is World Cometh and Hath Nothing in Me
The Evolution of Gods Consciousness Through the Four Planes of Matter
The Ritual of the Atom
1 MP3, 12 hours. Includes color Cosmic Clock diagrams