
Crown Chakra wallet card

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SKU: 3573~G
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3573: The word "chakra" comes from the Sanskrit meaning wheel, disc, circle.

It is the center of light anchored in the etheric body and governing
the flow of energy to the four lower bodies of man.

There are seven major chakras corresponding to the seven rays, five minor chakras
corresponding to the five secret rays, and a total of 144 light centers in the body of man.

The crown chakra corresponds to the 2nd ray, the yellow ray of illumination.

3573: The word "chakra" comes from the Sanskrit meaning wheel, disc, circle.

It is the center of light anchored in the etheric body and governing
the flow of energy to the four lower bodies of man.

There are seven major chakras corresponding to the seven rays, five minor chakras
corresponding to the five secret rays, and a total of 144 light centers in the body of man.

The crown chakra corresponds to the 2nd ray, the yellow ray of illumination.

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