
Hidden Power of Sound

Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows you the hidden power of sound and the more recent exploration by Dr. Hans Jenny. Spoken, sung, chanted, or offered in prayer, sound has been mankind's key to healing and spiritual awakening.
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SKU: 7495
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Love, Science, and Mastery of Your Creative Spirit

The ancients knew the power of sound. They knew that sound spans octaves of Spirit and Matter.

Fragments of that science have come down to us through the mystical paths of East and West. Rishis of the Himalayas, Hebrew rabbis, Christian mystics have all have recognized the Word—spoken, sung, chanted, or offered in prayer—as the key to healing and spiritual awakening.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet leads you on a journey to rediscover this ancient science and the more recent exploration by Dr. Hans Jenny. Experience the hidden power of sound and its ability to give you mastery of your life—and the world around you.

Love, Science, and Mastery of Your Creative Spirit

The ancients knew the power of sound. They knew that sound spans octaves of Spirit and Matter.

Fragments of that science have come down to us through the mystical paths of East and West. Rishis of the Himalayas, Hebrew rabbis, Christian mystics have all have recognized the Word—spoken, sung, chanted, or offered in prayer—as the key to healing and spiritual awakening.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet leads you on a journey to rediscover this ancient science and the more recent exploration by Dr. Hans Jenny. Experience the hidden power of sound and its ability to give you mastery of your life—and the world around you.

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