
Ich Dien - By Clara Louise Kieninger

Clara Louise Kieninger's memoirs reveals her soul's initiation on a path of disciplined love that led to reunion with God. We are inspired to follow her!
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2005 edition includes the ascended master dictations of Ascended Lady Master Clara Louise.

It can truly be said that the life of Clara Louise Kieninger was one of selflessness and service. Yet more than that, her memoirs reveal a soul's initiation on the path that leads to reunion with God.

Wherever she served, Clara Louise left the mark of disciplined love even as she set the standardof perfection. Whether on the battlefield in World War I, in the founding of the first school of nursing in Brazil under the Rockefeller Foundation, or as director of nursing in schools and hospitals in the United States, she exemplified the true spirit of nursing — Ich Dien — in all that she did.

In later years she established her morning meditation for the world beginning her prayers at five in the morning and continuing from two to four hours on behalf of the youth of the world, the incoming children, their parents and teachers. She carried out this service every day of her life until God called her home.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote,
As I prepared these pages for publication, I realized that the grand conclusion which we must draw from a life lived in God by one who walked among us is that by his grace we, too, can go and do likewise.

By the example of our contemporary, one so near to our hearts, we are inspired to follow in her footsteps even as she followed in the footsteps of our Lord.

Her victory gives us hope that one day we, too, might leave behind the modes of time and space and enter the cycles of eternity.

As I read the memoirs of Clara Louise during the hours preceding the transition of my own Mark, I found myself merging with the spiral of her life. I traversed with her the cycles of a service ever renewed as her soul, shuffling off this mortal coil, moved from the finite to the infinite expression of God's consciousness.

And it was in the simplicity of the words and the life of the first Mother of the Flame that I found the strength to bear the cross which all who would follow the Christ in the regeneration must bear.

We therefore release these memoirs with the prayer that all who read them might find his strength and his unfailing love for a life of service and that all might espouse with the beloved Clara Louise the motto Ich Dien.

2005 edition includes the ascended master dictations of Ascended Lady Master Clara Louise.

It can truly be said that the life of Clara Louise Kieninger was one of selflessness and service. Yet more than that, her memoirs reveal a soul's initiation on the path that leads to reunion with God.

Wherever she served, Clara Louise left the mark of disciplined love even as she set the standardof perfection. Whether on the battlefield in World War I, in the founding of the first school of nursing in Brazil under the Rockefeller Foundation, or as director of nursing in schools and hospitals in the United States, she exemplified the true spirit of nursing — Ich Dien — in all that she did.

In later years she established her morning meditation for the world beginning her prayers at five in the morning and continuing from two to four hours on behalf of the youth of the world, the incoming children, their parents and teachers. She carried out this service every day of her life until God called her home.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote,
As I prepared these pages for publication, I realized that the grand conclusion which we must draw from a life lived in God by one who walked among us is that by his grace we, too, can go and do likewise.

By the example of our contemporary, one so near to our hearts, we are inspired to follow in her footsteps even as she followed in the footsteps of our Lord.

Her victory gives us hope that one day we, too, might leave behind the modes of time and space and enter the cycles of eternity.

As I read the memoirs of Clara Louise during the hours preceding the transition of my own Mark, I found myself merging with the spiral of her life. I traversed with her the cycles of a service ever renewed as her soul, shuffling off this mortal coil, moved from the finite to the infinite expression of God's consciousness.

And it was in the simplicity of the words and the life of the first Mother of the Flame that I found the strength to bear the cross which all who would follow the Christ in the regeneration must bear.

We therefore release these memoirs with the prayer that all who read them might find his strength and his unfailing love for a life of service and that all might espouse with the beloved Clara Louise the motto Ich Dien.

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