
Quietly Comes the Buddha 25 Anniversary Edition

The treasured original edition of Quietly Comes the Buddha - Gautama's teaching on the 10 Perfections of the Law.
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SKU: 4495
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This is the story of Sumedha - the soul of Gautama one with the soul of humanity. In it, the Blessed One reveals his experiences in the mastery of the Ten Perfections of the Law during many lifetimes prior to his final incarnation, when he answered the call of the Ancient of Days to be the Buddha.

Gautama serves the people of earth with Jesus the Christ and Mary the Mother, Moses and Maitreya, Confucius and Krishna, and all sons and daughters of God who have accelerated consciousness and ascended into the white-fire core of God's being.

Ever pursuing the goal of uniting the sacred mysteries of East and West, Gautama Buddha came quietly to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet to deliver his teachings for men and women in the Aquarian age.

As this living master meditates upon the heart of God and the heart of humanity, he sends forth through the written and spoken Word a delicate thread of light to contact the heart of every soul who would become the Christ or the Buddha by the spirit of the living God.

This content of this book was originally published in 1975 as a series in the Pearls of Wisdom. In 1977 it was published as a trade paperback under this title: "Quietly Comes the Buddha."

To commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of its release, we are happy to republish the original content of "Quietly Comes the Buddha" in this edition.

Softbound 148 pp.

See also the audio CD companion product: "Meditations to Become the Buddha - CD" #D10002, here.

This is the story of Sumedha - the soul of Gautama one with the soul of humanity. In it, the Blessed One reveals his experiences in the mastery of the Ten Perfections of the Law during many lifetimes prior to his final incarnation, when he answered the call of the Ancient of Days to be the Buddha.

Gautama serves the people of earth with Jesus the Christ and Mary the Mother, Moses and Maitreya, Confucius and Krishna, and all sons and daughters of God who have accelerated consciousness and ascended into the white-fire core of God's being.

Ever pursuing the goal of uniting the sacred mysteries of East and West, Gautama Buddha came quietly to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet to deliver his teachings for men and women in the Aquarian age.

As this living master meditates upon the heart of God and the heart of humanity, he sends forth through the written and spoken Word a delicate thread of light to contact the heart of every soul who would become the Christ or the Buddha by the spirit of the living God.

This content of this book was originally published in 1975 as a series in the Pearls of Wisdom. In 1977 it was published as a trade paperback under this title: "Quietly Comes the Buddha."

To commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of its release, we are happy to republish the original content of "Quietly Comes the Buddha" in this edition.

Softbound 148 pp.

See also the audio CD companion product: "Meditations to Become the Buddha - CD" #D10002, here.

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