Experience the amazing power of the seven Mighty Elohim and their divine complements in these 15 dictations, with teachings on the 7 rays from the Elohim.
Availability: 84 in stock
Experience the amazing power of the seven Mighty Elohim and their divine complements in these fifteen dictations. Includes profound teachings on the seven rays from the perspective of Elohim.
A six hours long MP3 audio CD.
- Hercules
- Title: Scaling the Mountain of Hierarchy
- Date: March 16, 1975 28:00
- Amazonia
- Title: The Culture of the Mother Race
- Date: December 16, 1962 30:31
- Hercules
- Title: The Staff of God
- Date: June 28, 1970 12:15
- Apollo and Lumina
- Title: To Purge a Planet of Ignorance
- Date: December 29, 1974 20:01
- Heros
- Title: The Miracle of Freedom: Story of an Arabian Shepherd Boy
- Date: July 4, 1971 21:32
- Heros and Amora
- Title: Behold, Our God Is the Consuming Fire of Love!
- Date: July 5, 1974 23:09
- Astrea
- Title: The Freeing of a Continent
- Date: July 22, 1972 30:28
- Purity
- Title: Reinforcing the Cycle of the Secret Rays
- Date: March 23, 1975 19:10
- Purity
- Title: Blessed Fragments of Purity
- Date: July 27, 1968 28:51
- Cyclopea
- Title: Infinite Light, Descend!
- Date: December 29, 1969 33:02
- Cyclopea and Virginia
- Title: Exploring Selfhood in the Eye of God
- Date: October 13, 1974 28:41
- Peace with El Morya
- Title: Peace, Be Still!
- Date: April 17, 1966 26:57
- Peace and Aloha
- Title: Three Rings of Peace and a Two-Edged Sword
- Date: October 11, 1973 19:39
- Arcturus
- Title: The Responsibility of the Violet Transmuting Flame: The Fiat and the Tree
- Date: January 15, 1967 18:30
- Arcturus and Victoria
- Title: Violet Flame for a Smooth Transition into the Age of Aquarius
- Date: October 12, 1974 13:55