A full, uninterrupted hour of violet-flame decrees led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Advanced pace. 1 CD
Availability: 60 in stock
A full, uninterrupted hour of advanced pace violet-flame decrees led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
- Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree - Decree 0.01 (3x) - 2:43
- Preamble to: Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright - Decree 70.18 - 0:56
- Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright - Decree 70.18 (25x) - 15:14
- O Saint Germain, Send Violet Flame - Decree 70.15 (12x) - 12:11
- More Violet Fire Decree - Decree 5.02 (9x) - 3:54
- Decree for Freedom's Holy Light - Decree 5.01 (38x) - 15.09
- The Great Divine Director - Decree 10.08 (25x) - 15:21
- And in full Faith... 0:25
Total Time: 1 Hr. 6 Min.