Use these violet flame decrees to renew your consciousness, being and world! Slow to intermediate pace.
Availability: 44 in stock
Renew your consciousness, being and world!
Decrees and songs to the violet flame, led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
- I AM the Violet Flame Decree 70.11 (33x)
- O Saint Germain, Send Violet Flame Decree 70.15 (13x)
- The Living Flame of Cosmic Freedom Decree 7.30 (9x)
- Charge the Earth with Violet Fire Decree 7.28 (3x)
- Cup of Freedom Decree 7.24 (3x)
- O Violet Flame, Come, Violet Flame! Decree 70.14 (15x)
- Violet Fire I Love Thee! Decree 70.01 (3x)
- The Great Divine Director Decree 10.08 (24x)
Set it on continuous play in your home for an ocean of violet flame.
1 Audio CD, 72 minutes. Slow to intermediate pace.