
The Sacred Fire in Winter - New Year’s Conference 2020

3 DVD & 1 MP3 Audio CD Timeless teachings from the ascended masters, New Year’s Conference 2020
Availability: 18 in stock
SKU: DVG20005
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The 1988 New Year's conference replayed at The Sacred Fire in Winter New Year’s Conference 2020 plus The Destiny of America lecture by Mark Prophet and The Abdicaciton of Amierica's Destiny lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

3 DVD & 1 MP3 Audio CD

DVD 1: 2 hr. 8 min.
El Morya - December 31, 1987 - 40 min.
Lecture Abdication of America's Destiny - January 4, 1988 - 1 hr. 7 min.
Archangel Michael - January 3, 1988 - 21 min.

DVD 2: 2 hr. 15 min.
Omri-Tas - January 1, 1988 - 35 min.
Gautama Buddha - December 31, 1987 - 1 hr. 18 min.

DVD 3: 2 hr. 5 min.
Sanat Kumara - January 2, 1988 - 43 min.
Surya - January 2, 1988 - 26 min.
Lord Maitreya - January 2, 1988 - 37 min.
Saint Germain - January 2, 1988 - 37 min.

Total length of DVDs: 6 hr. 46 min. - 1 MP3 Audio CD: 8 hr. 16 min. Dictations and Teaching (see enclosed MP3 liner notes)
Total album time: 18 hr. 9 min.

The 1988 New Year's conference replayed at The Sacred Fire in Winter New Year’s Conference 2020 plus The Destiny of America lecture by Mark Prophet and The Abdicaciton of Amierica's Destiny lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

3 DVD & 1 MP3 Audio CD

DVD 1: 2 hr. 8 min.
El Morya - December 31, 1987 - 40 min.
Lecture Abdication of America's Destiny - January 4, 1988 - 1 hr. 7 min.
Archangel Michael - January 3, 1988 - 21 min.

DVD 2: 2 hr. 15 min.
Omri-Tas - January 1, 1988 - 35 min.
Gautama Buddha - December 31, 1987 - 1 hr. 18 min.

DVD 3: 2 hr. 5 min.
Sanat Kumara - January 2, 1988 - 43 min.
Surya - January 2, 1988 - 26 min.
Lord Maitreya - January 2, 1988 - 37 min.
Saint Germain - January 2, 1988 - 37 min.

Total length of DVDs: 6 hr. 46 min. - 1 MP3 Audio CD: 8 hr. 16 min. Dictations and Teaching (see enclosed MP3 liner notes)
Total album time: 18 hr. 9 min.

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