A special collection of teachings on the Guru-Chela relationship with the ascended masters for those who seek the living master and in him the Real Self.
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For those who seek the living master and in him the Real Self, the ascended masters focus the person of both God and devotee. They are the logical, tangible conclusion of the evolution of man and woman made to be immortal. They are the individualization of the God flame, alive and well and joyous.
Moving among us as our elder brothers and sisters, they would confer identity as a spiral of being upon all who have the courage to be formed by the sacred fires of initiation.
Dont miss this very special collection of pivotal teachings on the Guru-Chela relationship (from Freedom 1978 conference).
- The Guru-Chela Relationship with the Ascended Masters Date: 7-3-78
- Part 1 Time: 39:27
- Part 2 Time: 40:10
- Part 3 Time: 44:40
- Camelot: The Once and Future Mystery School Date: 7-4-78
- Part 1 Time: 38:33
- Part 2Time: 35:27
- Archangel Gabriel: Dedication of the Chapel of the Holy Grail Date: 7-4-78 Time: 19:26
- Messengers Comments prior to Dictation by Lord Sanat Kumara Time 46 mins
- Lord Sanat Kumara (Part 1) The Summoning of the Servants of God Date: 7-4-78 Time: 55:28
- Lord Gautama Buddha (Part 2) The Summoning of the Servants of God Date: 7-4-78 Time: 14:13
- Ascended Master El Morya Camelot Come Again The Thrust of Excalibur The Thrust of Knights and Ladies of the Flame Date: 7-4-78 Time: 1:12:16
- Messengers Comments following Dictation Time: 3:41