The Freedom 1984 conference, The Flame of Freedom Speaks, with all 12 dictations including Lord Maitreya and Helios. 6 DVDs and 1 MP3
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The Freedom 1984 conference, The Flame of Freedom Speaks, with the tremendous release of light with all 12 dictations including Saint Germain's May You Pass Every Test, the first of 14 discourses on the Mystery School by Lord Maitreya, and the epoch changing dictation of Helios.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet said of that event, "Personally, I am certain that in the records of history we will one day consider events before and after the coming of Helios to the Heart of the Inner Retreat much as today's history is considered before or after the coming of the Lord Jesus." For many who attended, it was indeed a life changing event.
The Flame of Freedom Speaks - Freedom 1984
6 DVDs & 1 MP3 audio CD. Total time: 24 hr. 6 min.
DVD 1, Dictations: (Length: 2 hr. 12 min)
Arcturus and Victoria - July 1, 1984 (82 min)
Archangel Zadkiel - July 1, 1984 (40 min)
Great Divine Director - July 4, 1984 (10 min)
DVD 2, Dictations: (Length: 2 hr. 6 min)
Lord Maitreya - July 2, 1984 (58 min)
Mother Mary - July 3, 1984 (41 min)
Setting the Matrix of a Decree - July 6, 1984 (27 min)
DVD 3, Dictations (Length: 2 hr. 10 min)
Archangel Michael - July 3, 1984 26 min)
Teaching on the Lord’s Judgment - July 6, 1984 (43 min)
Saint Germain - July 6, 1984 (61 min)
DVD 4, Dictations: (Length: 2 hr. 13 min)
Godfre - July 6, 1984 (35 min)
Helios - July 4, 1984 (98 min)
DVD 5, Dictations: (Length: 2 hr. 16 min)
El Morya - July 2, 1984 (53 min)
Omri-Tas - July 7, 1984 (83 min)
DVD 6, Dictations (Length: 53 min)
Mighty Victory - July 8, 1984 (53 min)
1 MP3 Audio CD
All dictations and lectures. (Length: 12 hr. 16 min)