
Who Is God? (Childrens Booklet)

A beautifully illustrated children's book describes the Chart of the Divine Presence and a child's relationship to God. Includes six devotional mantras.
Availability: 348 in stock
SKU: 2718U
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This delightful little book compares God to the ocean and his children to its many drops.

Gives a detailed description of the Chart of Your Divine Self so children can easily understand their relationship to God.

Beautiful illustrations. Six devotional mantras. Read aloud to 2+ years; reading level 5+ years.

Chldrens booklet, 5-1/2" X 7"  29 pages.

This delightful little book compares God to the ocean and his children to its many drops.

Gives a detailed description of the Chart of Your Divine Self so children can easily understand their relationship to God.

Beautiful illustrations. Six devotional mantras. Read aloud to 2+ years; reading level 5+ years.

Chldrens booklet, 5-1/2" X 7"  29 pages.

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