Books, CDs and DVDs from The Summit Lighthouse
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Ángeles caídos te lleva de vuelta a la escena original del Bien y el Mal, momento en que un mundo prístino se vio salpicado por los indicios de corrupción.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet transmite pruebas documentales de antiguos textos revelan que Jesús pasó diecisiete años en Oriente.
In Mysteries of the Tao, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals keys to each one of us becoming the Perfect man. Mystical Paths of the Worlds Religions series.
Canciones de Amor y Devocion con Robert Worobec.
16 live performances of classic Broadway scenes & duets, including never-released songs from The Paradise Players live shows.
Two dictations by Kuthumi on personal psychology with Elizabeth Clare Prophet's teaching on using decree 7.10A for healing body and mind.
Foundational teachings by Elizabeth Clare Prophet that are key for your outreach. Six DVDs offer short segments for easily presenting the teachings.
Darshan #8 Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaching on overcoming negative habits from The Masters and the Path, by C. W. Leadbeater.
Five dictations representing five ascended master perspectives on the stages of Christhood (used in SU 2013).
En esta libro, Mark y Elizabeth Prophet hablan de estos grandes Maestros Ascendidos y de la historia de sus vidas.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains how music, rhythm, and musical instruments, beneficially or negatively, affect your chakras and well-being.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows you how to control the effects your aura has on people and on the aura of planet Earth. Includes 25 color illustrations.