

Books, CDs and DVDs from The Summit Lighthouse

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La Santísima Trinosofía

Supuestamente el único manuscrito conocido del Conde de Saint Germain, esta obra contiene sin duda claves herméticas y ocultas tras el lenguaje y los numerosos símbolos, figuras y jeroglíficos.

Unite in the Heart Chakra of America (Harvest 2018) - DVD/MP3

Harvest 2018 dictations on video and audio, the Meditation for Unity with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 1 DVD and 1 MP3.

Meeting The Masters - Sacred Adventure Series 2

Meeting The Masters, Book 2 of the Sacred Adventure Series, expounds on the presence of masterful spiritual beings just beyond the veil. The material world in which we live represents only a small slice of a broad spectrum of being from the realm of the humblest nature spirits to that of the most exalted archangels.

The Spiritual Quest - Sacred Adventure Series 1

The Spiritual Quest is a seven-chapter course offering an in-depth look at your spiritual origin and destiny. Connect more intimately with your Higher Self! Includes links to online audio meditations and exercises.

Forever in the Diamond Heart of El Morya - DVD

Forever in the Diamond Heart of El Morya DVD captures the history of The Summit Lighthouse and and El Morya’s vision for the future. Includes unpublished images from the archives.

Paradise Valley Extravaganza - DVD/CD

Historic performances of the July 4, 1990 Talent Show (DVD) and the July 1992 Paradise Players Revue (CD) featuring songs from Broadway and the old West.

Rise and Shine! 2 - CD

Morning decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet - protection and violet flame decrees to start your day.

Morya and You - Love - MP3

Get to know El Morya by listening to his words of tender care for your soul conveyed in these 23 dictations.

Morya and You - Love

Get to know El Morya by reading about his previous lives and his words of tender care for your soul conveyed in these 26 dictations. Once you read this book, you may well feel you knew him in the past...and are glad he remembers you!

Lightbearers of The World Unite! - DVD/MP3 (Freedom 2018)

The 2018 Freedom Conference dictations plus the 1984 Prayer Vigil for the Nations decree session with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. 3 DVDs & 1 MP3

My Life & Times with the Prophets

Read the stories highlighting Tom Miller's experiences attempting to draw down the highest art forms and music under the sponsorship of the ascended masters as well as lessons learned as a disciple of his gurus, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Tom’s combination of wit, humor, and occasional profundity gives you a first-hand glimpse into life in a modern day mystery school.

The Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist - DVD/MP3 (Easter 1992)

Bathe in the transcendent light of the Easter 1992 class, Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist. Experience profound dictations by Archangel Uriel, Djwal Kul, Kuan Yin, Jesus Christ and El Morya.