

Books, CDs and DVDs from The Summit Lighthouse

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Out of the Heart Are the Issues of Life - DVD/CD

Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the hidden mysteries of the spiritual heart, how to purify and expand the heart chakra and victoriously pass life's tests.

Violet Flame - Alchemy for Personal Change

Elizabeth Clare Prophet unlocks the mysteries of the violet flame. Learn to use the violet flame with practical techniques to resolve everyday problems.

The 12 Labors of Hercules - DVD/MP3 (Harvest 1989)

The 12 day Harvest 1989 "The 12 Labors of Hercules" dictations, plus the Sunday dictations prior to the conference and Elizabeth Clare Prophet's lecture.

La Llama Violeta para Curar Cuerpo, Mente y Alma

Ahora tú puedes aplicar las técnicas prácticas de la llama violeta para que crees equilibrio, armonía y cambios positivos: en cuerpo, mente y alma.

Cómo Trabajar con los Ángeles

Mientras más aprendas cómo trabajar con los ángeles, más eficazmente podrán ayudarte. Incluso pueden elevarte para que vislumbres a tu Yo Superior.

Perlas celestiales para el alma - ebook

Las Perlas celestiales para el alma son guías de sentido común para el crecimiento espiritual.

¡Pulse aquí!


The Life and Works of Jesus - MP3

Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the keys to the initiations on your own path of Christhood in the book of John. Includes detailed liner notes. 35 hrs.

The Seduction of Socialism and the Responsibility of Freedom - DVDs/MP3

In seven enlightening lectures, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the psychology of socialism and the economic philosophy of Jesus Christ. 2 DVDs, 1 MP3.

Defending World Freedom - DVD/MP3 (Freedom 2016)

Threefold flame clearance and all dictations from the 2016 Freedom conference. 1 DVD 1 MP3

Manipulators of Capitalism and Communism - DVD

In this visionary and soul-stirring DVD, Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveals the illusions of Marxism and the contradictions of capitalism. 2 DVDs

Spread the Joy of the Violet Flame - CD

A full, uninterrupted hour of violet-flame decrees led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Advanced pace. 1 CD

Higher Ground 2 - CD

18 favorite songs including keynotes of the masters, plus 6 new songs: The Violet Singing Flame, Our God Star Home, and 4 waltzes by Dorothy Lee Fulton.