

Books, CDs and DVDs from The Summit Lighthouse

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El Libro de los secretos de Enoc

El Libro de los secretos de Enoc, el que marca un antes y un después respecto al Libro de Enoc pues se empieza a describir y vislumbrar un misticismo...

El sendero de la inmortalidad

El sendero de la inmortalidad explora algunos de los misterios de la creación, penetrando más allá de los velos de la existencia mortal para revelar al hombre como un ser espiritual que abarca los planos del Espíritu y la Materia.

El Sendero hacia el logro

El Sendero hacia el logro esta #9 in Serie Escala la montaña más alta.

Feast of the Resurrection Flame - DVDs/MP3 (Easter 2015)

Dictations and lectures from Easter Retreat 2015 with Jesus the Christ, Rose of Light and Beloved Alpha. 3 DVDs and 1 MP3

Finding a Higher Love: A Spiritual Guide

Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives a spiritual approach to love, sexuality, and relationships. Relationships, however challenging, are opportunities for growth.

God's Abundance in Your Hands Visualizations - DVD

Visualizations and decrees for abundance with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Intermediate pace - or mute the audio to meditate and decree at your own pace.

Habit by Jesus and Kuthumi - MP3

Teachings given by the World Teachers, Jesus and Kuthumi, from the Corona Class Lessons series.

Human Aura by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul

The Human Aura deluxe edition by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul includes meditations, visualizations, affirmations and 25 color illustrations of auras and chakras.

Incarnations of the Magnanimous Heart of Lanello - John Mark - DVD

As Mark strove to remember his conversations with Peter, scenes came alive with minute details often unnoticed by the other evangelists.

Incarnations of the Magnanimous Heart of Lanello-Ikhnaton - DVD

Thirty-three centuries ago, Ikhnaton, pharaoh of Egypt, worshiped Aton, the Sun behind the sun, the one God symbolized in the solar fire.

Instrucción religiosa para la Primera Comunión

El paquete de la Primera Sagrada Comunión incluye un repaso del programo, la instrucción para la enseñanza con 12 lecciones interactivas y divertidas.

Kuan Yin Special Purpose Mantras - CD

Kuan Yin mantras recorded during 2014-2015 New Year's Retreat