
Pocket Guides

Pocket Guides to practical spirituality.

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Alchemy of the Heart (Pocket Guide)

Alchemy of the Heart provides sensitive, profound and rare insights into the most precious and misunderstood, component of our being - the heart.

Your Seven Energy Centers (Pocket Guide)

Use these spiritual insights, powerful affirmations and chakra visualizations to increase your energy flow and restore your body's energetic balance!

Art of Practical Spirituality (Pocket Guide)

Bring more passion, creativity and balance into your life through the Art of Practical Spirituality. Turn everyday encounters into an opportunity to grow.

Soul Mates and Twin Flames (Pocket Guide)

Practical spirituality applied to your relationships - a new look at soul mates, twin flames, love, karma and developing deep and lasting relationships.

Creative Power Of Sound (Pocket Guide)

Learn 7 fundamental principles for using prayers, affirmations, decrees and mantras to generate spiritual energy and bring you closer to your Higher Self.

How To Work With Angels (Pocket Guide)

Ever think of building a relationship with an angel? You can work with angels (and archangels!) to bring about miracles everyday into your life and world.

Creative Abundance (Pocket Guide)

These keys to spiritual and material prosperity give you step-by-step techniques to unlock your wealth and abundance potential. Turn dreams into reality.

Access The Power Of Your Higher Self (Pocket Guide)

Access The Power of Your Higher Self

Violet Flame To Heal Body, Mind And Soul (Pocket Guide)

Learn how to use the violet flame to transform negative patterns of thought or feeling into light. Restore the joy of God to your world!